Wednesday, November 16, 2005


There are some people who you can never satisfy no matter how hard you try. They are sort of like a human vacuum cleaner. If you give them the chance they will suck you dry and demand more.

I know because I’m the king of human vacuum cleaners. Unofficially of course. It might be the truth, but I’m not crazy enough to admit it.

Now the trick is to avoid those who are also that way or figure out a strategy that will in some way allow you to be sure you can pull the plug on their motor. How does one do that? Ah now that is the tough question.

For me that is a matter of learning where the outlet is where they plug in their cord. Translation, you got to know what it is that they get off the most in terms of sucking. Believe it or not it isn’t the same for everyone.

Oh there are the obvious ones. They are type that want to suck you dry of every penny you have. And you can be sure if they even sense you can be drained of money they’ll be taking out the pity me crying towel and trying to squeeze your heart with emotion. Of course it is all a con. But they do it since they love the cash you cough up more than people. (Personally I admire them for being such great actors. Too bad they don’t give out Oscars for the best performance in the greed category!)

Ah well it is to dream. But alas there are some wishes and dreams that I suppose will never come true.

Anyway to me believe it or not I do find there to be an odd harmony and balance that exists in our world because the more, more, more natures in some people. After all ambition is a pre-requisite to achievement. Nobody gets to be successful by being nice person.

So we do have to have a few human vacuum cleaners out there or society would never make any progress. And frankly I feel a special debt to the more, more, more people of the past who weren’t content to simple drink beer, chase the opposite sex and lie. Somebody had to figure out a way to optimize life to see that the next generation had been tools to use as vacuum cleaners.

I will confess though that perhaps we are a bit too blessed with the more, more, more people. That maybe we might be better off with a few less.

And I think one option would be to have a playoff between the hopelessly greedy. Winner takes all. As for the losers, well I don’t know perhaps we just banish them to some island tell the next years competition. At least that way you could depend upon being sucked dry by only one source and that would make things far more simple. Maybe not better in terms of having a society based on utopian ideals and charity. To people trapped by that expectation I say “GROW UP!”


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