Friday, November 18, 2005


I feel so wonderful when I can get somebody to buy into this excuse. Telling them I’m going to sleep on it isn’t even a lie. I will actually sleep on it.

The little detail naturally that I don’t mention is that while I will sleep on it, I won’t think about it. Which like all important facts that you don’t want the sucker, um, other person to know.

But all of that is in part just sort of a window dress for the ears. That’s a clever way to describe it isn’t it? Well I enjoyed it. It does sound so much more impressive that calling it a big fat lie. I don’t need that kind of description thank you very much. Oh I do get a few people who love wanting to call everything I say as falling in that category.

However I prefer to think of it as exploring the depths of creativity in terms of how I express myself. And as part of that creative “license” for me there is the occasion, which lends itself to very liberal interpretations of the facts.

What the heck? How did I get off on this tangent? God you would think I was in the hot seat before some grand jury instead of simply doing another blog posting. Hmmm, must be the result of that stupid reoccurring dream that dogs me too often. The one where I am sitting in a court room naked and my mask falls off just before the sexy female judge starts to remove her room in a strip tease dance and the jury cheers and then — um let’s just move on here shall we?

Now where was I? Oh yeah the sleeping on it part. Good promise. Maybe even better if you actually did it.

However despite the merits of it, I just feel so much more comfortable when I say it sincerely even though I don’t mean it. When I see that look of trust in the eyes of the person I’m making this promise, but have no plans of keeping then I feel a certain twinge of success.

Basically for me this comment is a promise I like to make as a stall tactic when I want to create the illusion that I am really interested in a given person’s request. Creating the impression I’m going to give it some serious thought at least makes it more credible to them when I say no the next day.

In reality my big desire when I hit the bed is to have a dream of my choosing. And that isn’t one that involves thinking about what I got to do as Mayor tomorrow. Unless we are talking about the part of my job where I’m trying to help some needy female voter who knows how to be truly grateful for my help. Now that is one portion that I definitely don’t mind having a dream about.

And as long as it doesn’t end with the part of having her jealous husband show up at the wrong moment it doesn’t even have to end in a nightmare. Those are definitely not something worth sleeping on.


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