Thursday, November 17, 2005


Now when I mention Heaven I know that there will be a whole variety of images that come to mind. And no offense intended to bible thumpers, but for this posting I want to concentrate on more practical ideas of Heaven instead of the eternity realm. Lord knows, er um, well we all know that there are plenty of preachy blogs out there if that is your thing.

What I’m talking about here is the little snacks in life that make you feel like you are in heaven if only in your mind. Now that is the kind of heavenly appetizers I can really enjoy.

And whom does it hurt? There are those who claim it does. But then there are also those how claim the earth is still flat. So much for claims is what I say.

Meanwhile for those of us living in the real world and all the sucky crap we got to endure I say “screw it.” Yep, give in to those urges once and a while. What do you expect to being able to do all that kind of stuff when you get to Heaven providing you even expect to go there?

I’m no expert on Heaven, but I’ve never heard of any bible thumper who claimed they had any bars there or fancy, high priced restaurants. So you better at least try to grab a taste of this life’s heaven while you got a chance. That is unless for some reason you are in love with being dull and boring. I know you are ought there, but if that is your think please don’t try to make it rub off on the rest of us.

I’m not honestly speaking of being totally corrupt here. I’m merely suggesting that too often I’ve seen the people who are victims of “don’t do it.” It doesn’t matter where they heard it from, a grandmother, parent, teacher or whoever, somebody brow beat them into believing you had to always act decent and try to be a good person.

And the whole time I bet the person saying that including granny had some skeleton in her closet she wouldn’t want anyone to know about. Yep even dear sweet granny is human and if you think she was never young and full of the same desires as the rest of the world then you must be from somewhere other than this planet.

So come on folks have smile. Even two. Relax and take a bite out of that heaven that you were told by some dull person was all bad. You don’t have to sell your soul, but you ought to at least try filling it with a little joy.

As for me, well I do apply a rather liberal interpretation to that concept. But then that is the price I have to pay for trying to be a source of inspiration for others in that aspect. I mean how can I truly speak of the joy if I don’t grab for it myself? And with me the grabbing part my include some waitress, other guy’s wife or er, well I guess I don’t need to go into that detail you get the idea.

Ah it does my heart good just to know I may have served my fellow man with a few helpful hints. Now to reward myself I’ll be out trying to get a slice of heaven for myself! And naturally I won’t have my cell phone either.


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