Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Revenge is wonderful dessert, but being able to smile when some jerk gets what he deserves by somebody else’s hand isn’t a bad snack. I wish I could be magnanimous under such situations, but I’m not.

The best I can muster in such situations is fake sincerity. To try and at least look like I care or have compassion for the person’s misery.

Of course alone or with the right pals it is party time when I learn some deserving person got a taste of misery’s pie. And even if I didn’t get to serve it, I do love knowing when it has been provided to the right person.

My only complaint is you can’t enjoy more of these joyous occasions. For some reason I’ll never completely understand there are some people who end up experiencing some disaster that didn’t do anything noticeably wrong. That sort of confuses me. I just can’t seem to get excited about the event if the person wasn’t deserving in my view.

Alas if life were only more understanding and controllable. But at times when I think in those terms I also come to that point of appreciating how such magic would lead to other forms of disasters. I know human nature well enough to know how many sick and twisted people are out there. If you opened the lid on that container it would definitely end up a Pandora’s box.

So we accept the sad limits upon our essence. Perhaps it is a genuine sign of wisdom on the part of our creator. At least given the way most of us know far better how to hate than love.

Darn I’m getting sidetracked again. I hate when I get too philosophical. I mean there is enough thought babble in the world and blogs as it is.

So maybe the reflection here is to simply celebrate, quietly and with a little relief when the finger of fate stirs a reason for one to enjoy seeing some person’s misery. That might be bad tastes I some people’s books, but you know I got to wonder what good does it do to pretend we don’t feel that way?

Okay feel free to lie and act as if you are sad when somebody whose guts you hate gets a nice big slice of humble pie. As for me, well as a politician I might have to fake it at times, but believe me I don’t do it any more than I have to.

Then there is also the other side of this thought. Basically my view is that we are all imperfect and sooner or later the odds will stack up against and in favor of almost everyone. It is just a matter of time and perhaps prayer if that is your option.

So I enjoy sitting back and watching life’s poker game. And the times when somebody tries to bluff and fails. Those are the wonderful moments when we can laugh a little if only because we know it isn’t our hand that went bust.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, said. I for one completely agree, and am not ashamed to admit it. I firmly beleive in what goes around, comes around. Crappy human beings, that treat others like garbage, get it right back, and wonder, "why me?". Karma, baby. That's all it is.

11:47 AM  

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