Sunday, September 25, 2005


Cussing is one of those standards of social hypocrisy that is a constant in our society. At it is least too me. That’s because of the fact that on the surface of public imagery we like to pretend it life, the use of profanity is a taboo. Yet, how many of us do it privately, including a few bible thumpers who obviously wouldn’t admit it.

And where do most of us learn this type of behavior? Why at home of course. We probably saw our parents go to church or some meeting and never utter a single cuss word. But when they were really pissed or under stress, man did the verbal crap fly!

Perhaps that wasn’t your experience. Maybe you grew up the offspring of some English professor who had a thesaurus for a brain and managed to use synonyms for four letter words to express his or her anger. But I personally wouldn’t have wanted to listen to some poly-syllabic ranting. I get the message easy enough with the generic form of profanity.

And so I think the general rule is swearing in public is not acceptable. Plus if you are a supposed “decent” person then naturally you won’t end up saying the kind of crap the rest of us lacking self control wouldn’t hesitate to say.

What amazes me is that while we don’t admire the person with a so-called “foul mouth” and probably because most of us do it ourselves, we do seem to admire that seedy side when it comes from some guy with more bucks than brains. I’m speaking of the filthy rich. It is sort of like we’ve figured they got that way by either selling their souls to the devil or generally being a greedy creep so there is no reason for them not to cuss.

In fact I think we almost expect it. Like we would be a bit disappointed if the person who in our opinion had to be a pure tiger without a conscience didn’t devour the harmless, weak and abuse anyone who gets in his or her way. So if they love doing that why should they not indulge in the kind of language that is other than ordinary language.

In that regard I get a little envious of them I suppose. I mean if some rich tyrant gets miffed because he didn’t make enough profit on a deal he can rant and rave at his heart’s content and sprinkle it with as many profane words as necessary and you expect it.

If I was to do that as a Mayor I wouldn’t be loved or admired. You can count on that. I know better.

So I have to restrain myself. And let me tell you there are plenty of times I don’t enjoy doing that. I get downright annoyed and upset when I can’t let me tongue breathe and talk the way I really want.

But I guess I know this isn’t going to change. However I hope you appreciate that I might just envy the rich a little for their freedom in that regard. Not that I plan on joining them soon. I’d love to, but it just doesn’t seem to ever work out that way. And that is in itself a reason to want to say a few four letter words, but not in this posting darn it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you don't think swearing is wrong but you still hate rich people who do it?

12:13 PM  

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