Sunday, September 18, 2005


Ah yes how sweet it is. At least too me. I love those precious times when you can stir the imagination and inspire how in people and then at the precise moment they truly allow themselves to see a vision, you wipe out the image!

Now that is the kind of cruelty that isn’t illegal. It might be unethical, but you won’t go to jail for it. And the devastation of disillusionment that follows can often make the person worse off than when before they had any hope. Sometimes to the point they never will trust or believe in anything again. Well providing you work it right.

Admittedly this is something I regard as a weapon. So I do exercise a little restrain in terms of its use. Normally I reserve it for those people I really, really hate and have a reason to want to get even with or make their lives miserable.

However the real trick is not letting them know I plotting anything. And it can take real restraint to lie well enough that they don’t get suspicious regarding my intentions. I tell you it can be such a pain having to make somebody think they are great when I know they are complete morons. But I manage.

Okay so who makes my hit list? Well obvious any political opponents. And people who are members of some activists group that want to mess up any of my conniving plans. Then there are the fiscal power brokers who want to control me just to satiate their egos. With them you really have to be careful since they always have spies and never assume anything you say is the truth. So it is sort of like playing chess for me with them. Only when I manage to win I can’t shout check mate otherwise they might send some thug around to rearrange my body parts.

Naturally how could I possibly complete my list without including the die-hard, anal retentive, hate and call it love, extremists who happen to also be bible thumpers. These are a crazy brand and are definitely a breed apart from the average decent and sane bible thumpers. And predictably they are the type that use the cross to cut out your heart all the time telling you they love you.

Again my comment isn’t applicable to the normal bible thumpers. They are the type that live their convictions and can be reasoned with. They actually are plotting to do much of anything except be sure you know about what they believe.

In any case those I’ve mentioned are naturally on my any time, anywhere hit list. Essentially those are the people who are as a rule completely selfish and thus while they will do anything to get what they want they are also easily victimize in terms of this dream concept. All you have to do is wave that carrot of a way they can turn their lust for money and power into a potential vision and they don’t need a whole lot of other encouragement.

So I just do what I can to help them capture the vision. This includes playing the game of neither of us telling the real truth. And if I work it right, well when the end up knowing they’ve been cheated their pride keeps them from complaining since they were doing the same thing too. Which means I just leave and take their dream with me while they stay behind pretending they are in control. It can be such a fun game.


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