Monday, September 19, 2005


There is always that age old question I suppose of “whose life is it anyway?” The idea being I think that the person asking it is basically saying, “Hey, I’m going to do what I want and when I want it. Do you have a problem with that?”

Now the optimum response ought to be no. But that isn’t the one that frequently seems to be expressed indirectly. Basically what it comes down to with some people who view life according to how much they control everything that whose life is it anyway is that your life is whatever they SAY it is. Which if you work for them or they have any authority over you then that is the way they plan on enforcing their view of things.

I find it ironic that in a place where we celebrate freedom we spend so much of our time involved in situation and with people who want to take away our liberty. Their idea of freedom is you doing what they want while they don’t grant you any options whatsoever.

What inspires such behavior? There are text books that provide all kinds of answers. But I think it comes down to the simple desire consuming need for greed. Yep, this might be the land of the free and home of the brave, but it is the dude with the power who holds all the aces. And believe me I’ve seen enough of them, myself included to know sharing isn’t part of their concept of democracy.

All of this translates into the fundamental irony that we are never content to war with each other to control and dominate. That would never be enough for people with the kind of power to treat people and nations like chess pieces. Heck if you got that kind of clout why would you not want to use it?

And they do. Which is why once they get through messing up our country they go out and want to spread this joy to the rest of the world. Naturally since other nations have their own versions of greedy and selfish leadership they aren’t always keen on having somebody from our country want to treat them as a chess piece.

But we call this whole process foreign policy. The main benefit being that as long as the government by which I mean the boys in power are busy doing things to tinker with other people then they have less time to give us any grief. That is good news and for a while we even get shot at ruling our own lives and knowing some degree of neer-freedom.

However it never lasts forever. That’s because when the big boys are off playing power chess with the world, us bush league politicians sneak in an try to gleam all the power we can in their absence. Hey do you expect me to pretend on that item?

So for me, well I savor and want to encourage the big boys to go out and enjoy having a good time trying to rule the world. And all join those who want to gripe behind their backs about how they abuse power.

After all if I can suck up to you enough and make you think I’m on your side then you won’t be quite as inclined to be upset when I help you enjoy freedom by my standard. And I think you know what that standard is, my first and last and then you get what you want if there is anything left when I get done.


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