Tuesday, September 20, 2005


No, I didn’t misspell the word “tail.” I’m not the best speller in the world, but I did mean tale instead of tale.

The phrase holding a tiger by the tail generally to me suggests the idea of you attempting to control a tiger, but in reality you don’t have any actual control. Basically you simply piss off the tiger and when he gets free you will probably get eaten.

With my version I’m not speaking so much in terms of the kinds of tigers you find in nature. I’m talking about the type that are city dwellers, wear suits and get high being predators.

Now unless you happen to have the kind of weapon such as a really big gun in terms of power you’ll probably not be able to beat one of these tigers or even capture one. And if you try to tangle with them unless you are some type of Tarzan of the asphalt, you’ll most likely end up a victim instead of a the victor.

Which is why I prefer to use the type of weapon that can cripple or maim one of these predators without having to fire a shot. Essentially I’m talking about lies. Only the kind you spread as a real credible tale that causes people to see the person in such a way that the tiger can find any victims. You just ruin their reputation and starve them to death!

At least that is the concept I’m talking about. I can’t always say it will work, but I have had success on more than one occasion with this approach.

To some I’m sure this might sound like the cowards approach. They would most likely be advocates of some kind of in your face approach in the delusion that the tiger is a dumb creature totally dependent on brute strength for its survival.

The only problem is that the human predator type of tiger is often not that stupid and will not in any way be intimidated by any threats or weapons other than if you pull the trigger. And unfortunately too often the weapons that work best just aren’t available like one would want.

Why? Because the main thing that stops these predators is the law. That is when you can manage to get them convicted, which is what way too many lawyers get hired to help them avoid.

Which is why I prefer my approach. It is one where you take away their teeth, but ruining their reputation. And the bigger the lie or tale that you can tell the better in my book.

Personally I do encourage this approach by as many people as possible. You see if I can get enough people to do hunting this way then when they get eaten I can sneak in and rip off their assets.

Then I blame it on the tiger naturally. And is the best tale to hold a tiger by. At least I can say that when I end up with all the loot and the tiger only gets the leftovers!


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