Friday, June 13, 2008


Man have I been there too many times in life. You know those aggravating points of complete futility.

Now the natural reaction is to look for someone to blame. And then the quest begin to find anyone you can say was responsible.

Of course the problem is that there is no one to find. You may even know this deep down, but can't admit it.

Because that would mean you had to accept responsibility for the mess up. It would also mean accepting there was something in life you couldn't control.

This is not exactly on most people's list of things to enjoy. Or even take time to acknowledge as true.

All of this works to my favor as a Mayor. Because I can be that shoulder to cry on and then also a person who offers help.

Which I am more than happy to present myself in such capacity as long as I get some assistance in the process. This can come from various sources.

First of all I will always accept contributions. And that I leave open to possibilities. There are so many options.

Of course when I end up as their sounding board that makes it a wonderful place to take the person. They are so grateful they become very vulnerable.

If I play it right and massage it correctly then they will pretty much give me whatever I want. This is Aladdin's Lamp time.

Add to it the chance to create the illusion that I even found and punished their enemies really helps. Then they will be extra cooperative.

Let me tell you this is a time when truly tests the heart. In my case it is the heart of greed. Like you would expect otherwise?

I don't imagine you would if you have been reading my other postings. Ah, the joy of being consistent.

Really gives me such a sense of confidence. I know that these types of situations happen so often.

Sooner or later many will drop by to see me. And when they do I am ready. I listen and then cry with them.

Even keep crying while helping them reach for their check books.


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