Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I think I’ve expressed my opinion on the subject of saving things like Mother Earth to the environment and endangered species enough that I don’t need to repeat myself do I? But in case you missed it let me just say, people first, everything else second. Save our butts and make the greenbacks flow then we can talk about pollution, global warming or whatever. (You notice I said talk not doing anything about it.)

Naturally for the sake of this posting, I’m not going to speak about really saving THE Whales. I’m going to speak in terms of saving the whale size problems in the world. Clever huh? Don’t answer that!

I don’t mean to come off like some insensitive and indifferent jerk here. I am all of those things and a whole lot more that is disgusting, I’m just trying to be practical. Frankly the way I feel about it when you consider just how corrupt and incompetent we are I think it is time we stop kidding ourselves.

By that I mean let’s face it, we’re screw ups. We can’t truly do anything very well. Our city’s are a mess, no matter what we do we can cure all diseases, pollution or even keep everyone employed.

Honestly my goal here is not to depress, just trying to be as realistic as possible. If you look at our history as a human race can you really say it is a legacy of prudent and wise decisions? Oh perhaps after way too many beers. But sober, forget it.

Isn’t it time we stop playing so many games of fantasy? I hear all the talk shows and see the blogs, which tell us what most of us already know and that is that life sucks. To which I say, so what?

And having said that let me toss out the idea. Pick one. That’s right, let’s pick just one problem and really try to fix it.

Okay maybe we might not actually fix it, but I bet it would be a lot more fun if we all pretended we did. We could hold pep rallies, let everyone who is anyone get up and give speeches, even have a “we’re gonna fix it” beauty contest. (I’ll volunteer to interview and judge it naturally.)

Will it really make a difference you might ask? Absolutely not! But I bet we would all enjoy it a lot more.

And think of how thrilling it would be to have the news media saying good stuff instead of bad stuff all the time. I’m telling you folks, this would be one heck of a fun time if we allowed ourselves to stop spending all our time acting as if the problems we’ll never fix for a variety of reasons will someday get better.

As for all those talk shows with the people who have wacky solutions to our problems. Shoot let’s give them even more air time. I can always use a good laugh.


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