Sunday, November 06, 2005


I’ve heard it said that those who don’t study history are bound to repeat it. And to me that would depend on what part of history you were talking about. But I don’t think that the person who first came up with that observation meant it as a good thing.

However I would prefer to think of it as those who don’t study history are less prone to find excuses in past blunders. So there! See only I could take a clever promo for getting somebody to study history and turn it around into avoiding looking at the past to borrow somebody else’s excuse.

Okay I appreciate that the more you know about the history of a person or whatever the better informed you can be in terms of knowing how to deal with the same person or situation later. But honestly from what I’ve seen a whole lot of that is just plain guesswork.

I’m sorry, but we humans are far better at guessing wrong than guessing right unless you happen to be a recipient of pure, dumb luck. Then you get the bragging rights and this moments best know it all. Enjoy it while it lasts pal because odds are tomorrow somebody else will luck into the title.

What am I really talking about here? I’m talking about not be stupid in terms of spending too much time trying to pretend that you know what the heck you are doing when you are just groping in the darkness of ignorance like the rest of us.

Oh sure it is great to put on that confidence mask and look informed. But unless you are somehow blessed with better luck than the rest of us you’ll probably manage to blow it far too often.

And rule number one, the more you brag the worst your blunder will seem to others. So it is better to keep things as vague as possible if you wish to avoid being a victim of your own mouth in such situations.

I’m not saying studying the past isn’t important. It can be very important. Providing your are smart enough to learn when doing things a given way didn’t work out for some other clown who thought he knew it all.

That to me is far more important than whether you are a walking library of facts. Being flexible and aware and never assuming your plans are flawless is the best form of history lesson. Which means learn from your own past history.

If you’ve got a track record of making bone head moves don’t let your pride get in the way of admitting it. And be smart enough to pick some other slob to make a decision that will make him look like an idiot.

Hey I will always do what I can to at least appeal to people’s common sense in these postings. Even though I know that it generally isn’t our brain that we put in gear as often as we want others to belief. Above all smile, it does wonder for taking attention away from the times you end up with a red face!


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