Friday, November 04, 2005


When one says mix the word has so many wonderful meanings these days. It can mean a mix of flour and whatever ingredients it takes to produce something very tasty. Or it can be mixed nuts perhaps.

Okay I’m not just stuck on food though. Basically it could apply to mixed drinks or on a broader scale just about anything where it takes more than one item working together for the end result to work correctly.

With me as a Mayor the mix I content with the most is naturally with people. I wish I had a way to make a choice in terms of citizen. But that is in the mix to. What brings any one family to Mediocrity is so varied in terms of reasons that I couldn’t say one specific reason dominates.

Course there are those born here. For them it was hardly a choice. And even though some of the “natives” do express their complaints over our small little concrete slab of life, too often they don’t leave.

Why am I even broaching this subject? Well I guess because if I had to describe the hodgepodge of souls who occupy this slice of life I would say to me they mainly are closest to a group of mixed nuts.

Not to necessarily be unkind here. It is just my way as the Mayor of coping with what I face every day.

Mediocrity as a city has about the same things to offer you would expect from any small city. That includes plenty of boredom, routine and a basic lifestyle that produces an infectious case of yawns way to often. We have some crime, fortunately the type I concentrate on gets unreported since I’m hardly going to volunteer my creative use of city funds. And the other usual problems you would find any place.

So from my point of view a person living here ought to have predictable expectations from a city that isn’t thriving and no one exactly seems to care if it ever will. Which is fine with me since I’m not all that ambitious to work that hard and improving things anyway.

The part that gets under my skin I guess is when people suppress their frustrations and anger over the bland spirit of ordinariness that clings to this city. They seem to get inspired to act well a tad strange. And lucky me when they get into that mental state they seem totally obsessed with sharing it with me.

For the most part I practice the three “L’s,” in such situations. Those are listen, lie and laugh. I listen to their problems, lie about promising to do anything and then later having a good laugh about it when I’m by myself.

Now that might not seem like the perfect solution to you, but it does keep me smiling and accepting how in the mix in my city has way more nuts than other ingredients. Cheers!


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