Thursday, October 27, 2005


I love that old phrase from the Sci-Fi flicks about the alien landing and saying “take me to your leader.” But to be honest if any alien was watching the way we act and as goofy as we are if they did drop by for a visit it would make more sense for them to say, “take me to your beer.”

After all who says that a more advanced civilization couldn’t be a bunch of party animals? Now don’t sneer when I say that like I just told some bad joke. I mean what’s to keep some bunch of aliens from looking for a good time just like anyone else?

Plus I got to be honest I’ve been in a few a bars where I’ve seen more than one person who I think could qualify to be an alien. Well okay you don’t have to go to a bar to find individuals like that. You could probably find a more than one worthy candidate for the “not from this world” category.

However in this case I want to concentrate on speculating that when we talk a superior race of beings we can be talking about someone who has the brains to want to enjoy life. How come in all the Sci-Fi flicks most aliens seems sort of stiff and frankly boring?

Or is it that we want to believe that so we don’t have to pass the bottle in case of a visit from somewhere in outer space? Yeah you do got to wonder if the guys who crank out the Sci-Fi flicks are thinking in those terms.

At least I do. Why. Because I guess I ran of out important things to do and thinking about this was better than surfing the net for um, well let’s just say I thought it was an intriguing concept and leave it at that.

See maybe we got the idea of a government cover up on extraterrestrials all wrong. Perhaps they are just keeping the aliens hanging out somewhere for one constant happy hour. I wonder if anyone who has been checking out that secret military place called Area 51 for any bar signs? Seems like a good idea too me.

Also you never know the way that the government works perhaps they even got some secret distillery somewhere that they are brewing a few thousand gallons of brew for some aliens. And thus they don’t want any of us to know about it so none of us has a chance to horn in on their action.

Okay I know I’m getting a bit carried away with this concept. But then prove to me that aliens can’t be just as interested in fun as any of us.

And until somebody does, I full intend to do my own investigation of the subject of aliens by visiting as many bars as possible to look for possible visitors. Naturally I’ll be sure I soak up as much brew as possible so I won’t look obvious.

Of course if I do end up with lucky out and meeting ET, I’ll be sure to let you know,right after we both recover from last night’s hangover!


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