Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Why is it we won’t elect anyone unless they convince us they are perfect? You claim that isn’t true? Well if there wasn’t any validity to that observation would we have so much griping afterwards about how some knight in shining armor turned out to be an inept serf whose armor is only made out of silver Paper Mache?

I know complaining is one of the things we all seem to do best. Some people appear to make it almost a religion. And it sure doesn’t take much effort to find things wrong if we want to look. Heck you don’t even have to work at it. There is just so many things that are less than robust in terms of efficiency or reliability.

Sadly although we wish there were a Mr. Fix-it that could work miracles with all our problems, that never actually happens does it? Oh we do get plenty of promises. I know I circulate plenty of those myself.

And I’m not going to pretend it isn’t for purely selfish reason. Namely as a politician it is to protect my butt and get elected since I know if I didn’t and my opponent would that I’d be other than Mayor.

Now the really sad thing is to me remains how in reality we are all imperfect. I say sad in terms of honestly wishing it were otherwise. But that isn’t the facts. Instead we all end up with some feeble element in our thinking or philosophy that sooner or later will cause us to plot and plan in a way that circumstance will foil. Then we have to figure a way to lie well enough to still create the illusion that it was some kind of stupid misunderstanding in order to preserve the fabric of confidence we need to get votes.

Do I offer up a solution to this silliness? Am I proposing some innovative option to get us to stop playing games?

Not at all. I merely wish to point out it is a game. And when things really piss us off the most we really ought to remember that element.

So that means to me, smile folks! Don’t allow the fact that we discover some guy known for cheating and not playing by the rules did what comes naturally we don’t let it ruin our day.

For tomorrow whether we like it or not the game is going to continue. Oh maybe the players will change, but somebody is going to hit a home run and somebody else is going to strike out.

But regardless let us still try to enjoy the game! And if for some reason you have a bad seat or the snack they served at the concession stand sucked, well just do your best to enjoy the action just the same. I mean it may not be the perfect game, but it really is the only one in town. Plus you got season seats you don’t even have to pay for!

So do your best to savor the action. After all you can be darn sure you’ll going to watch the game even if you don’t want to as long as this country remains the stadium!


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