Monday, October 17, 2005


I do have to wonder to myself, if you do things smarter, but still have to do them is it really that much smarter? Improving on things is a good option. And anytime you can do that in a way that makes things easier then go for it.

But the one thing that doesn’t seem to happen in that equation is that people end up getting to avoid whatever it is completely. Now that would be my idea of really improvement.

The next best thing I suppose is when you end up managing to find somebody else to get stuck doing the task. And normally that is my favorite brainchild with some things that we get stuck doing at the city.

I mean I would love it if we didn’t have to deal with people and there problems. If we could just sit around all day, kicking back and relaxing, chatting, surfing the internet or just about anything, but work. Unfortunately the citizens and taxpayers have this attitude that if we aren’t getting paid with taxes then we should actually do some work.

That sure seems like an unreasonable attitude to me at times. I mean you aren’t going to tell me that a few of those taxpayers out there don’t have a few times when they goof off at work. Darn hypocrites griping about us when they most likely are doing the same thing with their employers!

But I don’t want to turn this into just a gripe session. Nope that wouldn’t help the problem.

Which is why since I can’t change the reality I always end up taking the high ground. For me that is the one where I say hi to the poor sap who works for me before I shaft him or her with some boring and dull task I don’t want to do.

I can imagine you might be sneering about now. Hey why should I lie about it? Well okay I do generally lie to the person that I’m stiffing by making them do my work, but I consider that to in part be an object lesson. The object being to teach my employees to get used to more work for the same pay.

And the nice thing once I get them used to it then I feel I have shown the better ways to each of them. I have proven they are capable of being even more productive than they first imagined. That build confidence, which is a good thing.

Yep that sure works for me. But when it comes to doing what I can to avoid work and find somebody else to do it, there isn’t much that doesn’t work.

So if by chance any of you is looking for a challenge and don’t mind relocating to my part of the world then drop by and say hi. Who knows I might even find something for you to do and even pay you for it. Of course I might need you to prove your sincerity by working for free for a while, but hey I’m sure by now you know how much you can trust what I say.


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