Sunday, September 11, 2005


Do you ever loan to yourself? Sound stupid? Well think about it. Who do you really live for? Yourself right? No, I’m not peddling selfishness here, just pointing out that if you don’t do things to help yourself then who will?

What I’m driving at is that if we can’t please ourselves then who can we honestly please? And let me tell you I sure know a lot of people who owe themselves in that regard big time.

Why? That’s because they borrowed from their own future in terms of putting off some dream till tomorrow. Essentially what I’m talking about is that somewhere in their life they simply decided to be only practical and not dream or hope any longer. Their eyes reveal that slow death of resignation.

Am I suggesting they should somehow go off in pursuit of some silliness and call it happiness? No. You got to make a living. Fact of life and we all know it. But is that all your life has become? You got to wonder at times with some people.

And I think the whole problem is not with the fact that we don’t always live up to our own expectations, but whether we end up punishing ourselves for it instead of doing what we can to make it up to ourselves. How does one do that? It is easier than you think.

Let’s say for example you always dreamt of being some mover and shaking in the area of business. And perhaps you even tried at some point, but things never worked out.

So instead you end up at some dead end job with no hope of ever doing better than simply being a ordinary working stiff. I know I’ve probably described way too many folks. Hey we live in a society that keeps the rewards for the few. It may be the home of the brave, but it is the greed and selfish immoral power hunger predators that have the keys to all the locks.

Which is why I say don’t stress that stuff. If you spend all your time sitting around whining about what you don’t have then you have failed to pay your own debt or basically you have cash in on what you do have the works.

I imagine a few people might think it is easy for me as a Mayor given my elite condition to talk about enjoying what you have. But consider if you will the fact that I too had a dream. I wanted to be among the big boys of politics. Only it didn’t happen. I just never managed to work the political machine well enough to get passed local politics.

I’m not trying to get sympathy here just pointing out how I probably feel a whole lot like the rest of you about having a debt to myself I have never fully paid. The only difference perhaps is I am paying myself off in different ways.

How? Well for one by giving myself a “raise” in terms of pleasure wherever I can. That means doing the most with what I have. And let me tell you folks I see a whole lot of debt that never gets paid off because the person is simply too proud to go to their own bank of esteem and find the coins that will work.

Here’s hoping you find that special currency in your life to make you at least feel like the success life hasn’t rewarded you with. And don’t worry about the interest on the debt to yourself, you have your whole life to pay it back!


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