Wednesday, September 14, 2005


We definitely have a love affair with winners in this country. And even if they aren’t perfect and maybe bend a law or two it sort of gets forgotten about in the midst of all the celebration.

We aren’t even satisfied with the usual faire of challenges for competition to find things to enjoy about winning. So we come up with sports to add another facet. They help us savor the glory of deciding whose best in events that don’t otherwise do a thing to contribute to the needs of society.

Am I against sports? Of course not. I enjoy rooting for my favorite team as much as the next person. I’m just pointing out how like so many things they exist not for any practical reason, but for shear enjoyment. Which again goes back to the concept of us nearly worshipping any chance to win.

Heck we love this aspect of competition so much that even if the reality is that people aren’t perfect and can’t win every time we will invent heroes that do. For example just look at how often movies are created with some “super cop” who is invisible and always solves every crime. How about those movies where we create those “one man” army warriors? I tell you they sure wouldn’t keep making them if enough of us didn’t love to believe at least one person out there is going to win no matter what happens.

I suppose all I’m really doing here is facing the reality that in part this is compensation for the fact that real life simply doesn’t work that way. And I’m also saying that is cool.

I mean so what if we fall behind in terms of quality of lifestyle or are unable to keep up with the competition in other countries in some regard. Hey are Army has still proved we can kick butt against an inferior enemy that is poorly trained and with less capable weapons. We won and that is what counts in the score book that we love to put on display.

And what is the big deal if we might run out of energy resources or that our future might include some potential disasters such as the collapse of social security? You can be darn sure that even if the whole world falls apart and our own country is a hopeless mess, we will not let it be that way in the movies.

Nope we can all look forwarded to hailing the conquering heroes in the situation even if it is all an illusion. At least we will be able to escape the reality for while with a movie. And thanks to cable we won’t even have to worry about leaving our homes to do it.

Oh true we might have to sweat it a little as reality hits us harder in the pocket book. But what the heck when we get a chance to sit down in that easy chair and press the button to watch the movie that will make it all better then we will be just fine.

All I can say then to those fretting and warning things are going to get worse is relax. Sit back turn on that movie with the perfect hero and pass the popcorn while it lasts!


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