Saturday, November 07, 2009


She feels the sea breeze

brush her face with its salient scent,

hears the waves wash over the sand,

remembers when she walk barefoot

and played catch with the driftwood,

watched the sky sting with its stunning cerulean

then felt so at peace in the company

of the one who loved her so faithfully,

spoke with his tale and never left.


Glimpses of afternoon glows

warm with the kiss of memory’s lips,

the days spent in leisure strolls

upon those shoreline tapestry,

ever with her canine friend

even when her steps

were about the one she thought

was going to be her love forever.


Summer brought romance’s sweet bouquet,

which wilted from feigned words of falsehood,

that hand faded from her touch,

vanished when her vision

developed their weakness,

eventually turning everything into a blind canvas.


So now she walks again

with that one partner who never stops loving,

as she pauses to fix he seeing eye dog collar,

which he had been taught to wear

able to truly view life so clearly now

with eyes seeing the world

in new and intense ways.


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