Thursday, October 29, 2009

Come Share My Paradise

Care to be my queen in Camelot

got my own castle made of snot,

don’t smell bad unless its too hot

since i just ignore it by smoking pot.


I’ve got so much to offer to the right lady

so sure you’ll love riding in my big pink bus,

even if my past is more than slightly shady

and have some warts that ooze with puss.


But I have learned that cannibalism is a crime,

did manage to finish off that severed head

before got caught and ended up doing time,

still need to get rid of body parts under my bed.


For the right woman I’ll even give up smoking

do away with my collection of plutonium cans,

plus trying to puff on a liver left me choking,

now happy using eyeballs for my snack plans.


Oh I’m sure I can give a gal such a special thrill

with all my heart will I make you so happy,

because meds stopped the spells that made me kill,

yes with their help I’m not psychotic and crappie.


Now write to me for a chance at prefect bliss

far away from the things that cause you pain,

in my arms there is joy you not want to miss,

won’t that make up for me being declared insane?



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