Saturday, July 04, 2009

Dear Lord

I am so truly repentant and in such misery

had no idea this would be end up my eternity,

for my sins of having a sex drive like a bunny

ever spending my days chasing hormone honey.


Now I admit was so proud over the size of my carrot

just couldn’t stop the urge to find a place to share it,

hopelessly acting like some overheated and craze ferret,

but now the one I have in the afterlife wouldn’t satisfy a parrot.


So here I sit in this purgatory cubicle cursed as a hare

forced to write for that web site called the sinner’s lair,

where I have to read confessions as an email prayer

grateful at least you didn’t give me flames in the air.


Can’t wait until this punishment is over for me

and you give me wings by your grace and mercy,

only please let it be without this tail or being furry

because I really would love to be free of that worry.


Going to get back to making amends with this cyber work

really have learned my lesson over being a perverted jerk,

will be sure I don’t of this duty allow my paws to shirk,

especially knowing thunderbolts wait if I go erotically berserk.



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