Sunday, June 28, 2009


It’s said out the corner of the mouth,
after a quick glance to see who entered,
the tone has a hint of disappointment
you weren’t someone truly wanted to be seen
with the word mentally being spell ‘hay’
because the person is thinking,
“‘feed on this you old tired plug of a human.”

Then the conversations
sticks with trivial details,
never asking you about your day,
little comments added
to give the dash of secret lament
over wishing you had been
put out to pasture ages ago,
mentally drooling over the idea
that your mangy hide
could best serve mankind
at a glue factory.

Meandering around the indifference
like some sadistic prison guard
ignoring your screams
when beating you senseless
during baton practice,
being sure to always
point out with some subtle remark
how if you never came in again
nobody would notice.

After feeling you are about as important
as a rash you just need to get over,
the person tosses in a compulsory,
“have a nice day,”
meaning a prayer for self,
caring less if you even survive it.


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