Monday, October 24, 2005


I’m sure you’ve heard that saying, “Shoot first and ask questions later.” This is one of the sayings that no doubt best applies to soldiers in war. The idea being of course is not taking any chances when you encounter someone while on the battlefield.

Not that I’m claiming to be an expert on warfare obviously. I’ve battled for votes, but the only thing loaded when I do that is my veins with booze. However as it applies to the title I had to just toss that in there.

And the main reason I bring it up is because it seems to me that we have at least one element of society who feel that shooting first, second and so on is a good idea regardless of the situation. Basically it is better to kill what you hate than find out if it really deserves to be hated in the first place.

Oooh, I bet that has a few people gritting their teeth. I’m talking about those loving compassionate souls that would get a thrill from cutting out your heart and then eating it while asking you for some salt. Don’t tell me you don’t know at least on or two people like that.

As for the shooting part, it doesn’t always have to be with a gun. It can be with words or actions. And sometimes the latter can be more devastating than the use of a gun.

In part because it doesn’t make the type of sound that everyone can hear. Plus you don’t have to worry about running out of ammunition.

Just a side observation to point out how truly dangerous shooting first and second and more can be in terms of being driven by the bullets of prejudice. And I’m speaking in general terms of prejudice about anything a person hates without it being based upon facts. It is irrational and stupid, but it sure does happen.

What it the real criteria for that kind of thinking seems to be an opinion based solely upon image. The person hates strictly because of what they see. So they hate somebody who is overweight, dressed poorly or one of countless other reasons that is totally pathetic and evil in its origin. At least it is to me.

I guess what gripes me is that I have some of the same weakness in that nature. In my case it is driven mainly by greed. I look for people to shoot at in terms of lies and a con job so I can rip them off. I just don’t have time to hate them for the way they look. For me there just isn’t time or profit for that kind of option.

But there are plenty of people who seem to love to make time for that type of behavior. So how do we deal with them. I say we get rid of them. That’s right let’s blast the rats before they do it to us.

Only when I say let’s blast them I mean with the tongue by making sure the whole world knows what they are like. That way while everyone is watching out for those jerks they may not notice me picking their pockets!


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