Friday, October 21, 2005


Wouldn’t it be great if we could say this and it happened when we wanted? Just making that little vow and instantaneously all our worst problems would be gone. Oh yeah you got to love that option.

Okay I’m not saying it is going to happen. Lord knows it would be wonderful if could. I could start drooling at the very thought of the kind of bucks I might make with that kind of item sell.

But outside of the movies where any thing you can imagine can come true in real life the no more of problems just end up lingering around and generally pissing us off. Sometimes if we are lucky and I mean real, real lucky we can get rid of them. Just not enough times.

So am I going to bore you with just telling you the obvious? Or am I prepare to offer some possible solution?

I can offer a solution of you want. But I’m not sure if you will consider it that great of an option.

However for me the best way to solve these little problems is to dump them on somebody else. Okay no groaning please. You might say that is hardly the perfect solution.

And my question is why not? I mean you DO want to get rid of the problem permanently right? Plus you know it isn’t going to go away naturally right? Well then there is only one realistic way to rid yourself of this pain in the butt. That is to make it somebody else’s problems.

Hey I said it was a solution. I didn’t say it was a choice that was without a few concerns like accepting that you want to stiff somebody else with the thing causing you grief.

Let’s be honest here we both know this happens all the time. Your boss gets a headache and passes it on to you. Then you choose to dump it on some poor slob of an assistant. Sooner or later the hot potato of stress simply can’t be passed around any farther and some pathetic loser ends up stuck with it. Fact of life, boys and girls, so why not profit from it in some way.

All I’m suggesting is be creative. Isn’t that better than letting yourself stew about some acid churning situation you can’t avoid?

So do me proud folks and go out and life up to the fine standards of being sneaky that has help to make our country what it is today. Consider it being patriotic if you will. Salute the flag if it helps. But don’t forget it does have stars and stripes. Which in this situation means avoiding the “stripes” by making somebody else see the stars? This has been just another installment of prudent and sagacious practicality from good old Mayor Rash. Long live the joy of passing the heartache!


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