Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life Imprisonment

The cell door slammed shut

with a deafening sound,

body collapsing in cold shakes of regret,

waves of shame drowning the heart,

tears rain from the cheeks,

head held in palms,

quickly plummeting in a deep abyss,

darkness kills the light,

echoes of sunlight dance

as haunting memories,

they are like a lovers,

who will never to be seen again.


Outside the bars

I watch the sky change

from a brilliant azure

and into an ebony canvas,

lost in the passage of time,

bled are stars,

no pardon waits this criminal heart,

nothing, but emptiness

fills the hours.


Sometimes hearing laughter,

others the sounds of music,

inside the ache unbearable

over the joy sacrificed

because of one choice.


Guards pass by with horns blaring

in the sounds of amnesty,

but I just remain in that cell

even though the key is in the lock,

all one has to do is turn it  to be free.


Only the judge in the head

never stops saying guilty,

for that one indiscretion

nobody even saw.


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