Sunday, September 06, 2009


I screamed each time the car rages out of control
towards that bottom below the peak in tracks,
my heart pounded so hard in the terror
didn’t think I could ever ride it again
when my stomach burned I was sure
this moment of pulse mayhem
had to never return for the pain it caused.

Then I sat outside the amusement park
where love had been the real attractions
ups and down she had given me
how much it scarred from each lie
as I rose on her promise to the sky
before crashing downwards by her betrayal,
it was a horror that hurt so much,
left so bruised by this torrid, twisting trek.

Looked over at another banged up passenger
he too had known the agony of that decline,
in his eyes were tears as he held a revolver in his hands,
that suffering so intense within his shattered soul,
this lead pill his way of not being fractured again,
but I left for I had no strength to persuade him to stop,
silence speaking how he had made his choice,
perhaps just living as a corpse like I was doing
would accomplish the same thing.


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