Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Car Pools

I envisioned being a race car driver

and speeding on roads without construction,

roaring in the red line,

heart pounding from the power,

heading for the finish line

trophy waiting as my reward.


No way I was going to join a car pool,

be another passenger without control

headed to the same place

without hope or freedom.


But race cars cost more than I could dream

plus they didn’t look for new recruits

among the tracks where such wheels spun.


Still I refuse the car pool option

my life mean something more than that,

freedom was my destiny

never going to surrender

to a stale and dull fate.


So I tried to take an economy car

add some decals and paint job,

big tires and even bought a helmet,

zipping down the freeway

past that commuter van

felt so different and special,

at least while seeing them in the rear view mirror.


Inside the truth ate at my spirit

it was all an illusion and I really wasn’t different

than all those lives sharing the same vehicle.


One day after my motorized chariot died,

just decided to join the others

and amazingly I felt a special harmony

that didn’t come from going alone.


Was then it occurred too me

how we all have to travel,

but doing it in a way that gave encouragement

meant so much more on the journey

instead of getting lost from my destination

by just thinking about myself.



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