Friday, May 22, 2009

You Are As Young As You Stink

There is never any reason to really fear
when age spots and wrinkles appear,
for age depends on what you think
and you are as young as you stink.

Because getting older brings those pains,
tolerating scent of Ben Gay with its stains,
the stench of moldy foods in the ice box
that your crappy vision thought was socks.

Then there is the odor from breaking wind
you couldn’t control that does so offend,
getting worse as the body begins to sag
aroma of your gas so bad some want to gag.

But there is no reason to let it cause stress
when you can fake a youth’s vigorous vest,
for the right cologne will take care of the rest,
squirming from farts to be, yet smelling your best.

So senior doesn’t have to be a time of putrid revelry
though bowels are shot and you always need to pee,
with that special fragrance, youth you can have eternally,
getting creative enough that urine whiffs smell like a tree!


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