Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sometimes I wish there was a way to wave a magic wand and turn life into a comedy. Yep, that would be great.

Just enough to be sure it was more entertaining than drama. I personally think this would be great.

But it does get very complicated. Too many just not willing to be clowns. Oh they like to make others into ones, just not themselves.

Personally, I think it would be great. Just more people wearing silly hats and acting so very goofy.

Alas I guess that just isn’t going to be the case. People are just not ready for such options I’m afraid.

Oh they do talk about it. Just aren’t prepared to actually take life to that level of reality. And I don’t imagine they will.

Seems odd to me on many levels. I mean we do love to watch those sitcoms. Like they are truth.

All I want is a little understanding here. Really, I just want this to be taken to a level that is honest.

Come on we could all use a good laugh. Nothing difficult just hopeful. A little chance to make it all have a smile.

Is that too much to ask? Not from my view. And you can be sure that I will continue to hope a little wisdom will occur.

I haven’t seen it so far. Not in my experience. So what I think is needed is some reasonable options.

Reasonable can be a rather strange word at times. I mean really so hard to truly appreciate.

It isn’t the choice I prefer. Because it is too time consuming. Just so hard to get enough cooperation.

I am going to be sure I continue to offer some alternatives. Ones that I hope will eventually get approved.

Or at least in some way end up being able to earn a few great smiles. Well sounds great. But then lies always can work miracles.


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