Monday, May 04, 2009


Every once and a while we get somebody over at City Hall that claims they are quitting. This is always a sad element to this.

Because what inspires the person is a need to be told they should stay. Which I do even though I am tempted not to.

I mean there are plenty of times that some people would be ones I wouldn’t mind disappearing. Which is not good choice if it means you get somebody worse.

I wish that wasn’t the reality. But honestly with some I sure would prefer that. Just to now another clown would make things awful.

Oh I have to admit that there were times in the past I would have loved to give them a chance to depart. Just shut the door on them.

But then I found out life didn’t get better. Instead it got worse. Some new insane person got the job.

I think it is a sign that life in Mediocrity is declining. Well at least in terms of sanity. And that is not for the better.

There are probably lots of reasons for this. None that are hopeful in the least. They all suck.

Basically, I have come to appreciate that what happens in my city is that stupidity breeds more than intelligence. The sloth types always have kids.

None are in any way better than their parents. So you replace stupid with completely stupid.

This does not give me hope for the future. It makes me want to scream. And it is the pits because I can’t even recruit outside of the city.

Now that would be a blessing. But I don’t get that option. It would result in too many angry citizens.

And as long as they bother to vote then I’m stuck. I am grateful we don’t have to hire that often.

Which is made more complicated by the fact that eventually some retire. Then comes the lies to convince them no too.

They might be eighty and senile, but let me tell you I prefer that option to the getting some clown who can’t function.

All I have to do is figure a way to have them stuffed and it will be perfect.


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