Friday, May 01, 2009


Well anyone who enjoys this probably thinks dull is good. They would most likely be the type to enjoy cutting grass or other such mundane chores.

The point is delays might be a disaster to some, but not to others. Personally I never enjoy them.

Because they almost always happen when it is while I’m doing something important. Now I might be content if you were talking something such a city business.

That I could live with. However I’m speaking of the types of plans that I really need to take place on time.

Normally they involve money. Which I don’t care who you are, that is important. Even if you don’t have everyone act that way.

There is always the strange person out there. The one who actually can’t be bribed. Now talk about sick.

Fortunately they are not the majority. In a way I suppose that would be nice. It would simple in some ways.

I mean less greed would make it easier on us who were greedy. That would cut down on the competition.

However, that would also mean fewer people to bribe. So that too would create problems.

So it means you would have problems in cooperation. Too many people with morals. That is down right scary.

And you can be sure I do try to remain detached from such crazies. Yeah, that is down right disgusting.

Okay people talk about honesty. And it is a commendable to the point I will give it lip service.

No actual respect, but lip service will work. However, I will make it sound wonderful, even fake a tear.

But then afterwards I go back to sanity. Which means that you take time to remember that time counts.

And do the best you can to make it work for you. If somebody wants to spend the time being stupid fine.
That is the way I leave them while I am off keeping my routine and profit.


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