Monday, June 13, 2011

The Seductive Spill Of Fall Spells

Limbs of isolated woods
sway in the wind and release their leaves
in a shower of rust hues creations
falling, ever falling towards the earth,
but it is the wisp who shakes the trees
of October’s celebration and haunting,
which reach into the brain and seduce
with visions of goblin figments
so the hearing suddenly gets attuned
to listen unto the incanting whispers of witches.

It’s more than the fall of the year
because it grows in the heart with its array
from the emblems of magic
until we are easily induced to ride that imagined wind
let it take us beyond the boundaries of a day,
walk among the pumpkins and hay
where we slip in the dim glow of jack-o-lanterns
while they dance in the mind
as we are sure they are held by ghosts.

Oh blended before us in this time of change
are a bounty of what we suppressed at other times
while nature slowly strips away
the living ornaments of summer,
but in the shorter days and deep rich colors
how we ourselves descend into a trace of creativity,
allowing the cool, soft layers of what was reaped
a chance to move and entice with such charmed possibilities.

What heart isn’t subtly caressed by the dark kiss
Halloween brings with its festive suggestive lips?
Beneath the waxing gibbous moon
can we truly ignore those urges to unleash the monster inside,
yet to ever just dangle on the fringe of reality
apart the staleness of any morning
in hopes that perhaps we'll stumble into a liaison
offered by some mystical creature
who will take us to a bedroom visit of trick or treat.

It all prances through the head
during the call from fields so fertile in what is reaped
that we always secretly wish are possessed by some entity
able to turn midnight into a writhing feast,
cringing or creeping have we dreamt
between the lulls of autumn mysteries
just leave us shuddering in excitement
about what might eventually rise out of graveyards
or exist behind a face that is really a mask.


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