Sunday, June 05, 2011

Oh For A Working Pump!

Our company fleet of white vans and trucks
stood ready to serve our delivery needs,
but they were always thirsty and had to be fed,
and how those moments of pumping gas
over at our own private pumps
inspired so many to wish for some option
to sitting and waiting for the gas to get done
for it was to us a haunted pump
sometimes wouldn’t work at all
drove us nuts when vehicles were on empty
where not a drop would get dispensed
because our stupid computer monitor
was having a fit again.

Oh the ways some tried to get gas
once that occasion took place,
what extremes it inspired
since so many assumed
after our building being haunted
that the pumps also had spirits.

Now the suggestions abound
in a plethora of possibilities
from sacrificing a life chicken,
prayers to any kind of deity
even using Voodoo dolls
shaped like a pump
with some bizarre conjured words
in hopes the stupid machine would work.

None of those brilliant plans
summons a drop of fuel
still it did make for entertainment
when some driver was standing by them
waving his hands in the air,
screaming some insane words
before jumping up and down.


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