Friday, June 03, 2011

I Understand

They echo of the lips in mindless meaning,
eyes stare off into space in silent emptiness,
mind is trapped in a closet that it can’t escape,
but the words still drip like molasses,
slow and almost slurred as if it gives more drama.

But the heart is dipped in a paralytic fudge sauce,
sweet and succulent in sensing life’s honey
unable to taste vinegar or bitterness
as it spills in pain from another’s cry.

Today the impoverished soul that lies in anguish
will toss that form parchment on the desk
of that supposed source for relief,
it will be stained with tears
like a grief stricken poem pen in deepest suffering.

After reading that artistry of agony
rich in the cold gray tints of despair,
the minion of entitlements who decrees
if this life deserves assistance
will utter the two words, I understand,
before stamping the paper,


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