Friday, November 19, 2010

Fortune’s Figurine

During the dark embers of night
the mind chisels against sunrise’s stones,
passionately chipping away at the those impediments,
sweat stinging the eyes from the concentration,
breath panting from such fatigue stabbing, intense exertion.

Still the fingers forge fortune’s gossamer figurine
ignoring pain, denying sleep, pushing aside the body gnaws
to shape and sculpt the vision of life
that breathes so powerfully in the head
when pausing in quiet reflections about the past.

It’s the journey of will’s artists,
a careful and concise creation
where the chunks removed are flaws in mental vestments,
leaving behind the refined masterpiece
of what haunted every second with its success siren song.

When that toil has finally sliced away the last vestiges of error,
the beauty of ardor’s skilled craftsmanship
produces pride's icon of self,
speaking of what resided in the soul
and now is the solidity and shape of one’s future.


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