Sunday, November 14, 2010


Reaching for reality’s parasol
and holding it against the wind
while the rumbles of the earth and sky
rain shades of day and night
over the mind and heart.

Oh that I could escape
this urge to partition all I see
into definable hues with clear precise definition,
inside I groan for answers,
I crave some way to avoid
those creeping grays that slip through
every feel and sensation known.

But the darkness and the light
remain at work within my head,
just can’t get rid of the urge
to slice at what I see and wish was real.

Now sleep eludes me on my stroll
through the dark corridors of questions
still I clinging to my parasol
in hopes as long as it remains
the schism of truth I use as protection
then I shall not stumble for long
along this walk that makes me shudder in fear.


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