Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sunbeam Miracle


Nature is so incredibly mystical,

creation having spells that leave

a plethora of puzzlements,

such a panoply of inexplicable oddities,

as creatures hold so man mysteries

no one can explain.


Once the snail slimed along,

a naked little slug without his helmet,

just dwelling among the plants,

never thinking anything profound,

then a chance brush with a fern

caused a strange reaction

with the juices oozing from his skin,

how they bubbled and expanded

to become almost like a wart.


Suddenly he ventured into the light

and that mound dried,

it eventually harden into a shell form.


Little by little,

this became the snail’s evolved state,

was perhaps Mother Earth’s attempt

at making him less appetizing,

which failed once somebody

invented Escargot.



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