Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Keeper

Old spooky woods on the mountain slope at night

swarmed in ghostly sensations,

scoffers sought to despoil

a bloody legend of the Keeper,

about a man who supposedly had lived in a cabin

and was given charge to care for that land

by the one who owned its acres.


He was a tall and powerfully built giant

possessed of eerie dark eyes and never smiled,

his icy stare would always make others cringe

in the nearby town where they only feared his presence

for it was rumored he had butchered many

with the ax he always carried.


In that log home he lived with his mother,

one full moon night there were heard

such horrible screams coming from inside

by some campers.


Terrified and hearts pounding,

yet moving steadily

they wandered through the grey mist

before coming to the door.

What they found was blood everywhere

along with the mom’s severed head,

but no sign of her body or her son.


How they searched for him constantly

never finding a trace,

yet over the years some people would vanish

who dared to spent the night in that area,

all that was found later in the blood stains

would be few pieces of mangled flesh

some of them would even reveal teeth marks.


Three college boys smirked at those tales

as they wandered with back packs up the hill,

no one would ever scare them away,

because they brought a gun,

plus two of them were experts in martial arts,

all three being football players

so no way this stories would stop them.


Campfire helped to warm the eve

its light gave the blackness a special glow

while the trio sucked down beer

then joked over this Halloween,

among this murder lore tainted scenery

could have no power over their minds.


Slowly the booze dulled their words,

silence came from the inebriation,

suddenly hearing a thud in the bushes,

pistol retrieved from the sack,

big piece of wood grabbed for a weapon

while they stood to watch for any threat.


From nowhere water was tossed to drench the fire,

shouts followed with gun shots,

screams riveted the air,

before there was no sound.


Police came to look for the hikers

all that was found was a pistol held by hand.

What a tale perhaps to merely be read,

though none have admitted about the fact

the many times a figure with an ax

has been seen in many different places

where authorities have reported to be secretly hiding

pieces of human remains that were discovered

after somebody was reported missing,

perhaps tomorrow it will be you!



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