Saturday, September 26, 2009

They Were Out Of Cups

Was it my fault

the AM/PM was out of cups,

plus the Seven Eleven too?

So I did the best I could

went by my bud’s house

only all his cups were dirty

just had to be creative

that should be rewarded,

it’s called using initiative!


Well that is what my boss

claims you need that

in order to get promote,

now he’s saying

my inspiration sucks.


Can I help it

if my buddy only had

these really big white buckets?

Or that were dirty

thus needed to be sterilized?

Alcohol is that perfect thing

for making sure it’s really safe.


Okay so we got so busy

sampling that Jack Daniels used

forgot to empty them

before adding diet coke.


Really was an accident,

sure sucked that nobody at the picnic

bothered to complain,

course they all smiled a lot

what a pity

the one dude barfed on the boss,

otherwise instead of losing my job

I might have gotten a raise

for taking that dull event

and making it so much fun.



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