Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So You Didn’t Bother To Vote

nobody left to care

who got voted for President

because of the lies and failed leadership

people just gave up caring

what name got into the white house.


But none really expected

the Geriatric Crusaders Party

to actually get elected.


Now everyone is living

with a Granny as our chief elected official

and a congress full of the same.

Only trying to cope with all the new laws

how they truly tax the citizen.

 Still it is hard to risk

being grounded

then sent to your

over the age of fifty

when the cop pulls your over

then gives you a ticket

for wearing soiled jockey shorts..


Might be easy to adjust

if all the bars didn’t have serve just milk

and cigarettes were replaced by oatmeal cookies.


Yet everyone is really scared

since rumors are

future legislation

will require use of bunk beds

in every bedroom!


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