Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Ahoy thar ye accursed worthless scum and dogs

we shall give em another round of broadside,

and hoist the Jolly Roger o’er those ship logs,

plunder and pillage their deserving hide.


Come on mates take another slug of rum,

our cutlass needs to drip of blood,

there’s treasure we shall steal as a tidy sum,

and bury it beneath some secret mud!


Oh it’s the pirate’s life for me

when we mates of that bottle have drank

then sail on that briny blue see,

before making some cur walk the plank.


All those maidens all will be ours,

the men well string up just for fun,

then our blade will leave some scars

when we loot and burn until we’re done.


Now we’ll comb the waters for ships

till we find our next victim to attack

then do a jig on those corpse’s mangle hips

afast thar’s no city we won’t sack.


The Captain is hungry for new meat

another vessel sunk with torn sails,

its crew another our cannon did defeat

they’ll never talk since dead men tell no tales.


Oh it was the words that came to me

while sailing that ship over at Disney,

on that Pirates of the Caribbean sea

wearing a fake patch for added jubilee.


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