Monday, August 10, 2009


I thought I was Einstein today

had a thought more brilliant than the sun,

was convinced it would change the world,

providing I could share it with mankind,

give them the gift of my sudden shimmering sagacity.


Told my neighbor and waited for his jaw to drop in awe,

it dropped okay as a yawn,

before he asked me if he could borrow my edger again.


Then went over to show it to my boss

figuring that company vehicle of power

would give wheels to my genius

and let it be driven to help a suffering earth.

He squinted and sipped on his coffee,

saying afterwards to put it in a memo

along with a cost study, safety inspection,

as well as retail price suggestion and profit analysis.


By now I was ready to vent with rage,

what stupidity I had found over this miracle idea,

how could so many be so oblivious

unto this truly brilliant blossoming gem?


So I moseyed over to the school of minds,

that mental maze of mystical musings,

convinced they would surely embrace my concept,

but they lectured me on importance of knowing facts,

gave me a test about the “Ontological Resurrected Rhetoric Reasoning,”

had no idea what it was or how to answer the questions,

they gave me a C if I promised to leave them alone

and read the Iliad fifty times.


Finally made my way to the government

knowing they would want this blessing for our citizens,

they had me fill out the theory in triplicate

on a patent application,

which was filed in a drawer

marked, “classified, never open.”


Returning home to hold onto my wisdom’s pearl,

sitting it on a shelf

where at least I could enjoy its glow.



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