Saturday, August 01, 2009

Pomp And Circumstance


Old vintage soul song

serenading the rites of passages through life,

inward they resound as a harp’s notes,

a naked flight through discovery’s night.


Stopping a pit stop candle shop,

peering into each flame

until so sure it’s light is fully understood,

presuming the wisdom

it gives off by its illumination

upon the mind,

reveals all its secrets,

each precious pearl of shine.


But the mind still stumbles into a cabinet

where pamphlets are stored

from every library never visited,

but vowed in fervent vigilance

to some day enter.


Walking in circle

around a globe painted on the ground

because thinking enough steps

will make it all complete understood.


At last the moment comes of pausing epiphany

realizing how the journey itself

was a semester for revealing,

only accepting its reality

when an exit sign appears

to a trap door

leading to the land below a grave.



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