Friday, May 08, 2009


I’m always grateful that government isn’t concerned with profit. We can simply massage our expenses to meet our needs.

Now that is never satisfying to those in the private sector. They have to be concerned with actually producing things.

Then they have to also be worried sales. So that means they have to also come up with lies to convince others they are cool.

Which means having somebody on staff that can be creative and make it really believable. That is hard.

And then you have all that planning. Because you have to survive by making it work. But then that is business.

Now with government it is truly a blessing. We can staple those expense together. Now that is pure magic.

Just one little staple makes it all go away. No explanations or complaints. Merely the joy of stuffing it in a cabinet.

And this not to say that I don’t appreciate the problems of the business community. Just we need a more realistic approach here.

So the big way to cope with all of this is to bring some sanity to it. Which is to be sure everyone has the same understanding.

This means you have to take time to really appreciate who we need a new system. The whole profit approach just isn’t working.

Now my view is that we need a bribe system. I really think it would work so much better.

Yep. Just a chance to make it all more standardized. Now that would make it fair. Or more equal.

And who can be against equality? Not me. And I hope you won’t be either. This I think has such potential.

The plus would be the lack of taxes. Just all be subject to negotiation. A little dialogue would take care of it.

Even the cops could be involved. Fines for all crimes. Then we could eliminate the whole courts system.

Well just a thought.


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