Thursday, April 28, 2011


Molten cerebral scalpel
carving into mind's canvas
etchings of dissected tongues
whose fabrications
infected as lava's maggots
in my veins of trusts.

Now my orbs see hell in every face,
a demon in need of slaughter.
I used my fingers with precision stabs
at the pressure points
of their charcoaled stress marks.

Only feeling peace when sensing screams
behind eyes of those
wearing a magician's serpent mask.

Barbecue pit stirred inside my heart
coals from molesting sages
that tattooed their cruelty upon my dreams,
are stirred with acid
so when they flare
while cooking my violated faith steaks,
I shall feast on the bitterness
for strength to hunt
where jackals in suits
wait to gnaw on my marrow.


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