Monday, March 21, 2011


Afternoons spent in the meadows of the mind
grazing on the grass feeding the extremes imagined,
while the stallion doses in complacency,
wishfully waiting for the heart’s stampede
to race as thoroughbred across life’s fields.

In the staleness of somber sensations
where lethargy blows as a wind over the spirit,
inside the steed of liberty stomps its feet,
wanting to live by the power possessed within,
not be just another member of the herd,
constantly content to merely amble in ease,
but instead to gallop and know the pure potent pleasure
of running with all your energy’s fury,
completely and fully afire with adrenaline,
never stopping until reaching that edge of self
where you discover all the resides inside as possibility.

It is the choice made when it is easier to nap,
avoiding feasting on passion’s wheat
and let its essence fill one’s life
until the sunset is seen from a winner’s circle
rather than another day ending
just as a beast of mediocrity
settling for less than what is dreamed.


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