Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Little Secret

How could I ever dream
that cute round face
who came into my candy shop,
would win my heart
then take me for a marriage
beyond my imagination?

There I was Ms. Emma Enchantra,
happily making sugary jolly
for so many boys and girls,
when into my place appeared
a man named, Kris,
he had me at that twinkle in his eyes.

I have to admit when he said
that he owned a business,
no way did I envision
it being at the North Pole
and my goodness all those elves
like having so many children to parent.

Settling disputes over who took the last cookie,
listening to their complaints over cleaning reindeer stalls.
Then trying to pass around the merry,
(my own special recipe in the chocolate,
such a life saver on those long nights
when the elves get bored singing their songs.)

As for my dear hubby,
such a sweet man he is,
but so in need of a little help,
it was my idea to come up
with the naughty and nice list.

And having him put presents in stockings,
was my solution to that letter from a mother
about kids never washing socks.

Plus it was in a chat with some fairies
that I came up with that dust mix
to make the reindeer fly.

Oh I let the legend give Santa all the credit,
won’t mention those times he had flu
and I drove the sleigh,
thank goodness elves donated some beard hair
to make the fake one I wore.

Alas, Christmas is about magic
so that I always keep it going,
letting my extra help
be my little secret.


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