Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What’s That?


Never believe signs,

which say, “don’t touch,”

if they aren’t attached to a bomb,

for deceit is the means used

by those wanting to hide the truth

the thing they defend

is really not perfect or valuable,

just making it forbidden

causes it to become curious,

an object that demands attention.


Intimidation is the intention

to keep us from testing the sign

so we won’t find out it is fake,

that what it warns about

will never truly harm or hurt.


It is the hand that reaches

for the levers told not to pull

who is the rebel.

They are often hated for the courage

about not accepting deception offered

as the ultimate form of reality.


We might cringe when they tug

at the controls

with warnings of doom as consequence,

yet when they do,

how it suddenly creates freedom,

since it takes away

any apprehension that once

protected what was truly a lie.


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