Sunday, March 28, 2010

In Print

Indigo tinctured passions purged of precious veracity plumes,
spread before the mind's buffet of Oz appetizers.
Parchment sky painted with brewed vicarious malevolence,
soaked so slowly into the soul,
spirit falls into purgatory dunk tank
filled with figment skeletons of one's tormentors
living under one's bed.

Exhale the panic with caffeine scent
perhaps end of the world won't come
with a period.

Stuffing another pop tart into one's fears,
maybe that childhood teddy bear buried in storage
can still hug away the demons.

Putting on gray business suit,
knight of revenue's wrinkled armor,
fighting dragons with a pen,
azure blood stains on ledger
in numerical valor
another inked fantasy
replacing the spine.

Dancing in one's underwear
through a lustful vision,
where a succubus of your dreams
thinks you are a god
and life of heart beat squalor
is summarized in its thunder
by how many socks in your drawer
have found a match.


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