Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Life in our apartment complex

could be so very tranquil

as long as you didn’t mention

the subject of hunting season

or the problems with the ozone layer,

for we had two groups who truly hated each other,

one devoted to saving the earth

so very passionate about endangered species

and protecting the landscape from abuse.


Then there were the outdoorsmen

who cherished  fishing, hunting and camping

they had their SUV’s and ATV’s,

all the camouflage gear you could buy,

didn’t care about endangered species

unless they got a chance to kill the last one.


Most of the time they just avoided each other

succeeded in living next to each other without screaming,

until that day they had us vote on converting

our neighborhood meeting house

into something else.


Oh the environmentalists wanted it

made into a New Age, meditation and inner healing center,

while the sportsmen

insisted it would be best to be used

for a museum fill of their taxidermy trophies

in order to teach kids about nature.


Well the verbal clash waged for hours,

fist fights avoided when the manager overruled both groups,

with our communal hall turned into an pool table room,

which actually got both sides approval

up to the point they found out the manager

was charging to use the thing,

it united them both in a single cause

and for once we actually had harmony.


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