Saturday, December 12, 2009

Euphemism Hunting

Let’s slay any word

that might stir some anger,

doesn’t matter if one out of a billion

get upset over that name,

it is enough to justify

the silencing of everyone,

so to preserve a single person’s feeling.


We’ll use the political eraser

and wipe away the familiar

clean the slate of any offense

even if the mind still remembers

traditions under that now abhorrent synonym.


Down with men at the end of occupation

its gender-neutral or else,

nobody is other challenged today

rather that curse with some crippling condition,

as for the December festive season

that has to change too,

we still get to be happy,

just not merry,

because of the risk

someone will take exception

unto anything Christmas jolly.


Oh it is a wonderful litany

of every whim in exception,

where does it end?

No way of knowing

since it seems some term

eventually develops another meaning,

perhaps we could use chalkboards

instead of conversations

unless somebody see chalk and board

as a euphemism for something bias,

then I guess we can simple not talk at all,

at least that way we would only upset

those who can’t speak.


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